Kalpas Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Hi, We are Kalpas Innovations

We are Hiring for

Bangalore, Karnataka | Posted on 16/02/2024

MERN Developer

Salary Range: 1.8 - 5 LPA
Job Description:

We are seeking a talented and experienced MERN Stack Developer with expertise in NEXT.js and TypeScript to join our team. As a MERN Stack Developer, you will be responsible for designing and implementing robust and scalable web applications. Your expertise in NEXT.js and TypeScript will be instrumental in building modern,

Roles and Responsibilities:


  1. Full-Stack Development:

   – Design, develop, and maintain full-stack web applications using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack.

   – Utilize NEXT.js framework for server-side rendering, static site generation, and seamless client-side navigation.


  1. Frontend Development:

   – Develop responsive and user-friendly frontend interfaces using React.js and NEXT.js.

   – Implement state management solutions such as Redux or Context API to manage complex application states.


  1. Backend Development:

   – Build and maintain RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.js, ensuring efficient data transfer between the front and back end.

   – Integrate with MongoDB or other databases to manage application data effectively.


  1. Database Management:

   – Design database schemas and models using MongoDB, ensuring data consistency and integrity.

   – Optimize database queries and operations for improved performance and scalability.


  1. TypeScript Integration:

   – Leverage TypeScript to enhance code quality, maintainability, and developer productivity.

   – Implement type safety and interfaces to improve the reliability of the codebase.

  1. Testing and Debugging:

   – Write unit tests and integration tests to validate the functionality of frontend and backend components.

   – Debug and troubleshoot issues to ensure the stability and reliability of the applications.

  1. Code Reviews and Collaboration:

   – Participate in code reviews to maintain code quality and adherence to coding standards.


  • Minimum of 1 year of hands-on experience in MERN stack development.
  • – Proficiency in JavaScript/TypeScript, with a strong understanding of ES6+ features.
  • – Experience with NEXT.js for server-side rendering and client-side routing.
  • – Familiarity with state management libraries such as Redux or React Context API.
  • – Strong knowledge of Node.js and Express.js for backend development.
  • – Experience working with MongoDB or other NoSQL databases.
  • – Understanding of RESTful API design principles and best practices.
  • – Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • – Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail

If you are a motivated and skilled MERN Stack Developer with expertise in NEXT.js and TypeScript, we invite you to apply and be a key contributor to our innovative projects. Join us in building cutting-edge web applications that make a difference!

Apply now for the job now!

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